Trust is the currency of change.
I’ve used this simple concept for years to help teams and individuals think critically about how they are positioning themselves to have a bigger impact.
The only thing constant is change, especially now.
As individuals–how do we make sure that as we change (learn, grow), we are building trust to enable us to reach bigger heights: promotions, raises, new projects, moving into management, etc. How are we feeding the cycle?
As companies–as our products and experiences evolve (read: introducing AI! Pivot or expand.) we continue to build and maintain the trust of our customers so they are willing to come on the journey with us, and take bets on our future in the form of expanded contracts, recommendations to others, and engaging in the process
As leaders–how do we bring people along so they feel like change is excited and can benefit them personally, instead of feeling like change is chaotic and hoisted upon them
Invest time in building trust, so that when you need to spend it, it’s there.
Second order thinking: This is sufficient for maintaining your growth path. What do you do when you want to jump up a level? Don’t just focus on what others are doing who have the job/customer base/influence you want. Look at how they are building trust, and invest yourself in those activities
Individuals – Take initiative to perform the tasks that would be asked of you in the new role. Build a network. Track your impact.
Companies – make sure your end-to-end customer experience is solid across their lifecycle. Invest in community. Tell their story.
Leaders – Understand the problems of the people around you, above and below, and make sure you’re helping to solve for them. Ask for help. Actively listen
Trust is what moves us forward. It’s what we spend to get new shots on goal.
Invest in it first. Change will follow.