AI thrives in the mundane
A path for AI adoption in the consumer space
Exploring the spectrum of “Needfulness” in AI Products
Breaking down the different considerations and criteria we can use to design exceptional user experiences across this range.
My emerging heuristics for assessing AI Design
Best practices that make interacting with AI easy, valuable, ethical, purposeful, and delightful.
Service Design and AI
AI is a technology, not a solution in of itself.
Designing with stories
How we tell the story of our designs determines how well we understand the problem, and how invested our stakeholders are in solving for it.
Balancing AI inputs with outputs
AI is getting better and better at showing us what a great prompt looks like
The Pace Layers of SaaS Organizations
Change happens at different rates within an organization. Target the layer most applicable to the size and urgency of the problem
A new pattern language for a new paradigm shift
The rise of AI has caused a paradigm shift in how people interact with technology. Our interfaces may evolve, but the foundations of great design are more relevant than ever. This is the UX of AI.
The Shape of AI
We are only just beginning to see the form that this new technology is taking in our products and our experiences. While we develop the patterns to design for it and with it intelligently, we must also be aware of how it is shaping us in return.
Trust is the currency of change
If the first step of your transformation project is not oriented around building trust, it's doomed to fail
Using design to manage risk
The value of design isn't limited to what we produce. Our practices provide value too
Questions to ask to get more out of discovery
The better questions we ask, the better experiences we'll design
Navigating the unknown: How speculative design unveils business value
Build with the end in mind
The Discounting of Design
Design is a multiplier, but most companies aren't willing to wait for the value to compound.
What product designers can learn from Motown
In a culture where creativity is prioritized, business operations exist to support great experiences and not the other way around.
Inclusion, joy, and superpowers
Inclusive thinking and accessible design can unlock our creativity in ways we never imagined
Design and motherhood
It's funny how the things that change our lives most can be the things that cause us to fundamentally change for the better
Designing for Humans
Great design is more than usable and accessible. It's emotional. To create great experiences, make the experience feel authentic.
A willingness to fail
Being comfortable failing is the most likely way to win
The empathy paradox
Understanding and designing for someone else's preference requires us to proactive recognize that their perspective is not our own.
Designer: It’s what you do not what you’re called
Design titles can get in the way of us actually having an impact. Navel gazing rarely leads to success.
User Types: The Tourists and The Explorers
Not everyone navigates or uses your product the same. Understand their preferred paths to design to fit their needs vs. the other way around.